Summary of Donations to I hate

IHD is a on-line community structured to help families affected by renal disease. We are hear for you, this website was built by Dialysis patients for Dialysis patients. Anyone affected by this disease from the patient to the caregiver or concerned family and friends are invited to join. We have helped many find the answers and the support they need. The original owner Epoman passed away March 2007 and Susie was instrumental in carrying the torch and bringing Epomans vision to reality. Visit us and if you would like to donate to the cause so we can continue to help others pleas come and join our family and you can make donations there. Or you can email me and I can give you the mailing address as to where to send payment to the Owner. Thank You Sluff

Offline donations: $0.00
Notes to the above:

Offline donations include cash, cheques and any other donations paid directly to the fundraising organisation. This offline donation total is updated periodically by the Tribute Guardian in conjunction with the fundraising organisation.